As from this issue, In Depth is extending its network of contributors to include scholars and

analysts from around the world, thus offering broader perspectives and a diversity of opinion.

The articles in the current issue were written by Marios Evriviades, Assistant Professor, Pantion

University, Athens, Greece, Nadia Arbatova, Head, Department of European Studies, Institute of

World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,

Russia, and Gregory Copley, President, International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA),

Washington, USA.


Kowtowing to Erdogan and his Islamists. The kowtowing of the Americans to their “old

and faithful allies” the Turks, appears to have no bounds. And this inspite of the fact that the

one and only time . . . more


Russia’s Relations with the EU. Though it is very tempting to regard the current crisis in

Russia-EU relations as a crisis of the moment, its nature is different. It is a deep systemic

crisis which is a crisis of the … more


Hariri’s Death and the Danger of Resumed Major Conflict in Lebanon.The

assassination of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri … more


Unit of Strategic Studies: Annual Military Report. The Research and Development

Center’s Unit of Strategic Studies presented its Annual Report entitled “Military Forces in

Cyprus” at a … more


One Question: It is encouraging that the US, the EU and the International Community in

general have demanded the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon.  Sooner or later this will

happen.  One question that may naturally be raised is when would Turkey be asked by the US

and the EU to withdraw its troops from Cyprus and, indeed, let Cyprus go?


Upcoming Major Symposium on “State, Religion, National Identity and the Advent of the

European Union” … more